Singapore Changi Airport

Airport Information

ICAO:   WSSS     IATA:   SIN    
NameSingapore Changi Airport
Xīnjiāpō Zhāngy
Lapangan Terbang Changi Singapura
சிங்கப்பூர் சாங்கி விமானநிலையம
Elevation22 feet
Latitude1° 21' 0.68" N
Longitude103° 59' 38.41" E

Airport Diagram

Airport Diagram


Aerodrome Chart
Standard Departure Chart - ANITO - 1
Standard Departure Chart - ANITO - 2
Standard Departure Chart - BOBAG - 1
Standard Departure Chart - BOBAG - 2
Standard Departure Chart - LELIB
Standard Departure Chart - PIMOK
Standard Departure Chart - TOMAN - 1
Standard Departure Chart - TOMAN - 2
Standard Departure Chart - VENTU - 1
Standard Departure Chart - VENTU - 2
Standard Departure Chart - JOHOR BAHRU - 1
Standard Departure Chart - JOHOR BAHRU - 2
Standard Departure Chart - MERSING - 1
Standard Departure Chart - MERSING - 2
Standard Departure Chart - MERSING - 3
Standard Departure Chart - BOBAG
Standard Arrival Chart - BOBAG ONE ALPHA
Standard Arrival Chart - BOBAG ONE BRAVO
Standard Arrival Chart - LAVAX ONE ALPHA
Standard Arrival Chart - LAVAX ONE BRAVO
Standard Arrival Chart - LELIB TWO BRAVO
Standard Arrival Chart - PASPU ONE ALPHA
Standard Arrival Chart - PASPU ONE BRAVO
Standard Arrival Chart - PIMOK TWO BRAVO
Standard Arrival Chart - REMES FIVE ALPHA
Standard Arrival Chart - REMES SIX BRAVO
Instrument Approach Chart - ICW ILS/DME - RWY 02L
Instrument Approach Chart - ICE ILS/DME - RWY 02C
Instrument Approach Chart - VTK DVOR/DME - RWY 02C
Instrument Approach Chart - ICX ILS/DME - RWY 02R
Instrument Approach Chart - ICH ILS/DME - RWY 20R
Instrument Approach Chart - ICC ILS/DME - RWY 20C
Instrument Approach Chart - VTK DVOR/DME - RWY 20C
Instrument Approach Chart - ICZ ILS/DME RWY 20L
Instrument Approach Chart - RNAV (GNSS) - RWY 02L
Instrument Approach Chart - RNAV (GNSS) - RWY 20R
Instrument Approach Chart - Visual Approach Chart

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Navaids near SIN

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