Hamburg Airport

Airport Information

ICAO:   EDDH     IATA:   HAM    
NameHamburg Airport
Elevation53 feet
Latitude53° 37' 49.45" N
Longitude9° 59' 17.63" E


Flugplatzkarte - Aerodrome Chart - ICAO
Ground Movements/Parking Positions and INS Reference Points
Aerodrome Obstacle Chart - ICAO TYPE A RWY 05/23
Aerodrome Obstacle Chart - ICAO TYPE A RWY 15/33
Precision Approach Terrain Chart - ICAO RWY 23
Minimum Radar Vectoring Chart
List of Coordinates for MRVA TMA
Standard Arrival Routes - Instrument (STAR) RWY 05/23, RWY 15/33
Standard Arrival Chart - Instrument (STAR) RWY 05/23, 15/33
GPS / FMS RNAV Arrival Chart Transition to Final Approach (Overlay to Radar Vector Pattern) RWY 05
GPS / FMS RNAV Arrival Chart Transition to Final Approach (Overlay to Radar Vector Pattern) RWY 15
GPS / FMS RNAV Arrival Chart Transition to Final Approach (Overlay to Radar Vector Pattern) RWY 23
GPS / FMS RNAV Arrival Chart Transition to Final Approach (Overlay to Radar Vector Pattern) RWY 33
Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO ILS CAT II & III or LOC RWY 23
Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO ILS or LOC RWY 15
Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO ILS or LOC RWY 05
Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO LOC RWY 33
Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO NDB RWY 23
Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO NDB RWY 15
Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO NDB RWY 05
Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO RNAV (GPS) RWY 23
Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO RNAV (GPS) RWY 15
Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO RNAV (GPS) RWY 05
Instrument Approach Chart - ICAO RNAV (GPS) RWY 33
Standard Departure Chart- Instrument (SID) RWY 15
GPS / FMS RNAV Departure Chart - Instrument (OVERLAY) RWY 15
Standard Departure Routes - Instrument (SID) RWY 33
Standard Departure Chart - Instrument (SID) RWY 33
GPS / FMS RNAV Departure Chart - Instrument (OVERLAY) RWY 33
Standard Departure Routes - Instrument (SID) RWY 23
Standard Departure Chart - Instrument (SID) RWY 23
GPS / FMS RNAV Departure Chart - Instrument (OVERLAY) RWY 23
Standard Departure Routes - Instrument (SID) RWY 05
Standard Departure Chart - Instrument (SID) RWY 05
GPS / FMS RNAV Departure Chart - Instrument (OVERLAY) RWY 05
Standard Departure Routes - Instrument (SID) RWY 15
Minimum Noise Routing (SID)
Way Point List

Waypoints near EDDH

Navaids near EDDH

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